Tuesday 1 October 2013

Assignment brief 2: Task One

Task one - Target Audience Research 

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

These are the results that i got from my surveys;

From my results i found out that the survey was taken by mainly children ages between 4 and 8. Because of this i now know that the age range of my ident is going to be between these ages.

From my results i found out that the audience like cartoons more than any other type of TV show and the most popular show is Spongebob Squarepants.

From this question i found out that children prefer bright colours more then any other type of colours. For this reason i could consider adding bright colours in my ident.

I found out that children prefer circles more then most other shapes. Because of my finding i found out that if i was going to put shapes in my ident circles would be the best choice to pick.

From my research i have found out that children prefer happy music to any other type of music. So for this reason if i was going to add music in my ident i would use happy and cheerful music so that it would appeal to the right target audience.

From my research i have found out that children have more active hobbies such as dancing. So therefore when it comes round to making my ident i could include an active hobby that would appeal to the target audience of the ident.

From my results i have found out that there is no main favourite cartoon character. So in my ident i could include a large variety of different characters to appeal to my target audience.

From my results i have found out that children mainly watch most children's channels but the more popular ones are the ones that show more cartoon idents then anything else. So there for i could make my ident as a cartoon to appeal to the target audience.

1 comment:

  1. Needs a more detailed summary about what you found out and subsequently what you are going to include in your three idea ident suite.
    Please make the font bigger.
