Wednesday 25 September 2013

Assignment brief 1: Task Three

Task 3 - Understanding the design of suite of television idents

This ident appeals to the audience because you can tell that it has been made for children because of what the ident has in it and the way that it sounds. Also this ident could be shown at any time of the day because the channel is made for children so this type of ident would be acceptable for them too watch and any point. This ident it made to be shown at most parts of the year except for seasons like Christmas, halloween or special events. The message that this ident conveys about the channel is that it is made for kids and it is fun because of all the bright colours and the noises that this ident has.

This ident also appeals to the audience because it is bright and it sounds fun. So because of this you can tell that the target audience of the ident and channel is made for children because it is being shown on a children's channel and the noises that it is playing and making during the ident. this ident is intended for any time if the day because the channel is a children's channel only so it would really matter what time of day that it is on. This ident is made for any time of the year because it is will always be suitable. The only time that this ident won't be acceptable is at seasonal times of the year such as Christmas, halloween and other big events during the year. This ident conveys that this channel is fun and suitable for children because the colours of the ident are bright and the music sounds fun.

This ident appeal to the target audience because it is bright and it sounds fun. So because of it being fun and bright you can tell that this channel has been made for children because of the ident. This ident could be shown at any time of the day because it will always be suitable because it is being shown on a kids only channel which means it is mainly children that is going to be watching it. This ident would be shown at any time of the day because it is constantly a children's channel so it wouldn't matter what ident is being used during the day. This ident can be used at any point of the year except from seasonal events such as christmas, halloween and other big events this is because it is just a general ident and isn't intended for anything else. This ident conveys the message that the channel is fun and for children because it has bright colours and has fun music playing for the children to enjoy.

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